Basic Life Support

Covers all aspects of CPR skills and theory for adult, child and infant casualties, including rescue breathing, AED operation and bag-valve-masks. This Health Care Provider (HCP) level is designed specifically for those who, as part of their job description as Health Care Providers, have a duty to respond to medical emergencies (e.g. doctors, nurses, paramedics, and allied health care professionals).
Ideal Candidate(s): This Health Care Provider (HCP) level is designed specifically for those who, as part of their job description as Health Care Providers, have a duty to respond to medical emergencies (e.g. doctors, nurses, paramedics, and allied health care professionals).
Prerequisite(s): None
Certification Currency: 2 years from the date of certification
Recertification: None. Must attend an original course
Skills and Knowledge 
- Demonstrate one-rescuer adult, child and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin and how to use an AED.
- Demonstrate two-rescuer adult, child and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin and how to use an AED.
- Demonstrate the use and selection of a bag-valve-masks during cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin.
- Simulate the treatment of:
- conscious adult, child or infant with an obstructed airway
- complications: a pregnant woman and/or person who is obese